
I don’t know about you but when I’m walking in a pasture and look down only to see my shoe laces covered with large stickers, the thought of removing those causes me to sigh. These stickers, I came to learn, are Cocklebur seeds. Maybe they have always been there but I just noticed them this year and they seemed to be everywhere!

I’ve since learned that Cocklebur likes disturbed areas. We have Longhorns grazing the pastures and well, overtime the land has not had a break. Maybe they rushed in with a vengeance or perhaps other weeds have kept them out of view. I decided this was the year they were going down.

If we want to rid ourselves of Cocklebur, I’m told chemical warfare is the way to go. But trying to nurture young pecan trees while wildly spraying the enemy was just not in the cards this year. So mechanical warfare it was. Pulling, chopping and shredding were the weapons of choice. On a small pasture this can be done with some success. We shall see who returns next year.

Closeup from October 2017

Fields of Cocklebur before veni, vidi, vici

Before - different angle

And one more before

Voila after shredding


Pecan Trees